Despite no rain in the forecast, this Saturday morning (May 11) rainbow colours will be seen at Mitford Park.

The second annual Bow Valley High School (BVHS), 'Time For Hope Colours Cochrane', will see runners and walkers of all ages get sprinkled by colour as they raise awareness and funds in support of the Cochrane Pregnancy Care Centre and importance of women's mental health.

Grace Harvey one of four CZARs (leaders of the committee), shares although pre-registration has closed, don't let that discourage you from taking part. "Right now we're sitting at about one hundred people which was fairly comparable to last year. Pre-registration is over now, but the day of registration will be happening at the event opening at 8:00 a.m. We are really hopeful that we will climb over two hundred participants; it is going to be a beautiful day and when I checked the Weather Network last it was 23 degrees forecasted."

A table will be set up at Mitford Park to register those wanting to partake morning of and will remain open up until just before the run kicks off at 10 bells. Swag bags will be distributed to those that pre-registered, but with extra white t-shirts left over, the committee decided to give everyone an opportunity to show off their colours. "We thought the best way to raise funds is just by donation; so we thought it would be a wonderful way to get people more involved and see all the colour on the white shirt. At the registration table, we will have the Time For Hope t-shirts up for sale for a donation over two dollars."

While the primary focus of the event is always about awareness first, Laurel Pederson, Executive Director for the Cochrane Pregnancy Care Centre was honoured to be selected as this year's benefitting organization. "We are so grateful to the students part of the BVHS Leadership team for choosing to highlight and support the Cochrane Pregnancy Care Centre which provides much-needed services to our growing community and the surrounding region."

Pederson, says although it has not been decided quite yet whether funds raised will support their capital or operational stream; she is thrilled to be able to share how they can help women and moms, especially, with the run being held on Mother's Day weekend. "We want to offer people a place to be seen and heard, and not be alone in their struggle. So wherever they are at or whatever they are dealing with in regards to an unplanned pregnancy, single parenting, being pregnant, or as a new mom in the decision-making process, we want to be able to accompany them. We want to offer them true choice and an opportunity to soul search so they can make their own choice while still being supported."

Time For Hope Colours Cochrane will feature five colour stations set up along the route, one at every kilometre marker, and the idea is to get splattered with colours as you run by. "Just make sure especially for little kids, because it is supposed to be so beautiful outside that everyone has sunscreen and the proper eye protection if they would like to."

Finessing the final run details; Harvey, the Time For Hope committee, and BVHS Leadership students are now doing the final count down to race day. "Just come on out, bring your smile, and be ready to have a whole lot of fun."

If you didn't pre-register, you can do so at Mitford Park from 8 in the morning until 9:35 a.m. with a cost of $35 for adults and $20 for children. All are welcome to participate in the event. 


Lions Continue to be Major Sponsor of Time for Hope

A Little Colour Will Highlight Women's Mental Health

Highlighting Cochrane's Non-Profits: Cochrane Pregnancy Care Centre