During a Facebook Live update today, Acting Deputy of Emergency Management and Cochrane’s Fire Chief, Dave Humphrey announced the reopening of the playgrounds and the Zero Gravity Skate park in Cochrane as of May 14, 2020.

While these spots are now open, Humphrey reiterates that the public must still adhere to the rules set in place by AHS. “When we're out today and the days to come with children on playgrounds, maintain physical distancing, the best you can. Avoid touching the surfaces of the benches or fences that are around the facilities. Use caution around the touchpoints, where they are, and when you're home, wash up again, and again.”

“Ensure there are no more than 15 people gathered at the same location and consider wearing face masks if you choose in those areas.”

The equipment and amenities at these locations will not be sanitized by the town.

Cochrane's Parks Department is currently working to reopen these locations and the fences around the skate park will remain up until tomorrow, but there has been paneling removed for entry.