According to Alberta RCMP, 2019 statistics showed that July, August, and October were the most active months for theft of vehicles and theft from vehicles in the province. 

Cochrane RCMP Corporal Troy Savinkoff says that our quiet little town is not immune to the statistics. He says, "I think the middle of summer is more because of potential thieves like to be out and about they're a little more active because the weather is really nice. They are just like every one of us, where they like to be out as well when the weather is nice and with it comes to some problems." 

Savinkoff says that Cochrane is a desirable destination for Calgary thieves because we are easy pickings for the crooks. We live in a quiet and safe community and with that we become complacent and forgetful about locking things up. Add nice weather to that and that makes for a field day for thieves.  

Corporal Savinkoff says that "Our Cochrane Crime Reduction Unit has undertaken a few successful projects in the last few months where we have been able to follow up after the fact and make some pretty significant arrests." However, he does emphasize that prevention of the crime falls into the hands of our community to work together to deter the criminals in the first place. 

Other helpful reminders to keep your vehicle safe include:

·Keep doors locked.

·Remove valuables from vehicles including purses, shopping bags, change, electronics, and sunglasses.

·Remove garage door opener.

·Park your vehicle insight and in a well-lit area.

·Use a steering wheel lock.

·Lock your garage.

·Disable power to the garage door if you’re leaving for an extended period of time