The Labour Day Parade is a staple event here in Cochrane and with a few adjustments, the event will be running this September long weekend. The parade is becoming a parade display at the Spray Lakes Family Sports Centre which means that attendees will walk around and enjoy the floats and festivities that are stationary instead of watching them drive past.

Erika Richards, Vice President of the Cochrane and Area Events Society gives us a hint at what to expect on September 7, 2020. “A lot of the parade floats will be on display but they will be stationary and people will just wind their way through by following the path and having a look at the parade floats. There will be buskers, food trucks and the pre-parade entertainment this year will be while people are funneling down to the parking area there'll be entertainment along the side of the road.”

During a normal year, the Labour Day Parade would draw thousands of people to line the streets of Cochrane and enjoy the parade, but with the COVID-19 pandemic that was not an option. Richards says that this is the best solution so they can control numbers and make sure everyone stays safe.”It's so much fun and I'm glad we're able to figure something out this year, of course, we have to follow all the COVID-19 regulations and we're going to certainly encourage people to wear their masks even though it's outside. Let's be careful and with school starting again, we just want people to do things as safely as possible.”

In place of throwing candy and prizes from floats, grab bags will be handed out after you have enjoyed all the sights and excitement. “We'll be creating little loot bags for people to pick up on their way out the door and of course they’ll be prepared in a safe environment with the masks, gloves and handwashing and then they'll sit for three days before we hand them out so absolutely one hundred percent safe. Whoever the participants are in the parade if they want to donate some candy or some little swag we will toss them in the loot bags as well.”

Attendees are asked to please leave their dogs at home this year.

The Labour Day parade will be open from 10 am until 2 pm on September 7, 2020.