A Riversong resident is once again transforming his home into a haunted house in an effort to have some fun, and to help others.

Every year Gary Robertson spends countless hours decorating his home into a house of scares.

"We go all out decorating the house in different themes, so this year our CarnEVIL theme is making a return, and both inside the house, outside, and in the garage we have a bunch of stuff set up"

He doesn't just do this for the fun and the scares. 

"The big goal of it all is to collect donations for the Veterans Association Food Bank. Being that Remembrance Day is around the corner, it's a great opportunity to take my love of Halloween and all of the things that I love about it, and donate it to a good cause."

He says they have three different levels of scariness to check out.

"We kind of tailor it for all of the people that may come by on Halloween. Outside will be set up as the midway so it's the least scary experience for people coming by on Halloween. Kids can certainly get their candy and drop off their donations and they can walk around and see some carnival rides and things like that, it's a nice experience for all ages." 

Inside the garage is the big top where there's things like a trapeze and clowns, and then if you're brave enough to go inside the house, Robertson says that will give you the scariest experience.

"Where there are jump scares and things that might pop out. So the inside of the house is set up kind of like a fun house with a hall of mirrors and a fortune teller."

Gary Robertson

He's collected just over 2000 pounds of food donations and approximately $2000 in cash for the Veterans Association Food Bank since starting this five years ago. 

Everyone is welcome to check out the house on Halloween between 5-9 p.m. at 70 River Heights Crescent. 

You're encouraged to bring a food donation for the Veterans Association Food Bank.

Gary Robertson