If you won something on a lottery ticket and it’s set to expire, but you’re self-isolating, you won’t need to worry about losing your prize.

The Western Canada Lottery Corporation has extended the deadline on tickets that would have expired between March 17, 2020, and September 17, 2020.

It’s a change the WCLC said is in line with what other Canadian lottery regions are doing. It said it recognizes that efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 have affected players’ ability to claim prizes.

The WCLC hopes the decision will help support people practicing physical distancing and self-isolating to keep themselves, their families, and their communities safer in accordance with public health advisories.

Tickets that would have expired between March 17 and September 17 will now be eligible for a prize claim for an additional six months beyond their original expiry date. Typically, tickets for draw-based games expire one year after their draw date.