Economist Trevor Tombe is the featured speaker this Friday night (Dec. 13) in a discussion on Alberta's finances in a Post-COVID world presented by Cochrane Ideas.

Tombe is a professor of Economics at the University of Calgary and a Research Fellow at The School of Public Policy. Trevor's research, which focuses on economic and fiscal integration, internal trade, and fiscal federalism, has been published in top economics journals, including the American Economic ReviewJournal of Monetary Economics, and the Canadian Journal of Economics.

He also serves as graduate program director in the Department of Economics, is on the editorial board of the Canadian Journal of Economics, and is co-director of Finances of the Nation.

In addition to his academic research and professional service, he is deeply committed to promoting the public understanding of economics through policy publications and active media engagement.

It's once again a Zoom session. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the presentation begins at 7 p.m.

Cochrane Ideas welcome all interested people to participate. 

Here's the information you'll require to join the discussion.

Zoom link: 
Meeting ID895 1576 9797
Passcode: 086233