The Boys & Girls Club of Cochrane and Area know that kids are feeling more couped up these days and they want to help keep local kids active and engaged with their virtual programming.

Maureen Topp is the Manager of Licensed Programs with the local Boys & Girls Club and she says that families are voicing the need for organized activities. She says that the virtual programs are a great way to keep kids busy and entertained, and the bonus is that they can participate from the warmth of their homes during the cold winter months.

"We still have kids coming home from school who would probably love to be in activities that they probably can't be in right now," says Topp. "It's icy and sometimes it's cold outside. So we have a team of leaders who work together to deliver the virtual sessions and they're free."

Given the overwhelming success of their virtual summer camps, the local club will be offering a free 'Creating Connections' afterschool program two days a week. Topp says that by offering a fully virtual program, kids are also able to engage with their friends mask free.

"It's a wonderful opportunity for kids who are coming home from school to be able to interact with their friends mask free. We know that they are wearing masks all day at school and that can be a bit of a challenge," says Topp. "Our leaders are really just showing up to virtual club to play games, tell jokes, do some fun challenges with the kids and even get them moving quite a bit during the sessions."

Topp says that the virtual programs were initially planned for an older age group, but since so many families are expressing interest, they will be offering the programs to accommodate a broader age range.

"Originally we were aiming for ages nine to 12 but we've had inquiries from families with kids as young as seven. So we're opening it up for kids from seven to 12," says Topp.

Topp says that all participants in the virtual Creating Connections afterschool program will also receive a free activity kit.

"All of our families will actually get some pretty amazing free virtual club kits," says Topp. "We have packed some gift bags filled with goodies for the kids. They can play with them 'til their heart's content and we just ask them to bring them to every session, and those are also free."

The program runs every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:30 pm and will be approximately 45 minutes to an hour-long.

Registration is ongoing and can be done here.