On November 11, Cochranites will gather to remember.

Beginning at 10 am sharp, Cochrane High School will hold a ceremony to pay respect to those who have died for our great country and allotted us the freedom we have today.

The well attended ceremony begins indoors at the high school before lining up to march down the hill where the service concludes at the Cochrane Cenotaph.

David Usherwood, First Vice President of the Cochrane Legion, says they are time constrained.

"We have to start on time, we have to be tight in the schedule. It is a little Remembrance Day ceremony, little in the sense it's a half hour. I have to get those assembled including the cadets, veterans, RCMP, first respondents all lined up and marching down the hill by 11 o'clock."

The eleventh hour, on the eleventh day, of the eleventh month is significant, shares Usherwood.

"The significance is that on the eleventh hour of the eleventh month that the First World War armistice was signed, it is in commemoration of that time frame."

The cenotaph ceremony will be complete with the last post, revelry, and lowering/raising of the flags. 

This year the Legion will host a special drumming ceremony at the conclusion of the ceremony.

"This year we have been approached, and again, we have a great deal of respect and good relationships with the Morley band. They have requested and we have agreed, to include a drum ceremony in remembrance of one of the Morley members who died in service."

The Legion will be open following the ceremony as a gathering place to continue the celebration.

"We encourage everybody to come out; they don't have to have a direct family connection to the military. This is remembrance for those fallen, no longer with us."