Cochrane Minor Football Association has endorsed Patrick Price as a candidate for town council and believes he exuberates the community spirit that's required on council.

"We think he would be great for the community," says association president Dean Lang. "His morals and what he believes in are definitely community and it shows by how much time he spends with the minor programs."

To spread the word of support, the association sends letters to the football community advising them of the endorsement and why they believe he's a good candidate to consider.

"I read his platform and what he stands for and what he would like to change, and I think it's up there with minor football's values. What he's done for minor sports says something about him as an individual. He spends a lot of time at it and goes out of his way to really make a lot of young athletes feel pretty special."

"There's hope for society when people like Pat put so much faith in our young athletes."

The endorsement came as a surprise to Price, a long-time advocate of minor sports who has documented many youth sports with photographs and words in Cochrane for nearly 20 years.

"For them to endorse me, I was surprised and honoured ," says Price.

Price says he has a passion for minor sports, but he also appreciates opportunities provided to youth in the arts, music and through the many extra curricular activities lead by the staffs of local schools.

"It takes a huge commitment to run these things for our kids and it's one of the things I love about Cochrane."

Cochrane Minor Football endorsed Ivan Brooker in the last municipal election.