Many people kicked-off the new year with the goal of eating better and generally living a healthier lifestyle, but it can be easier said than done. 

Jodi Long, a dietitian at Cochrane Sport Physio says that it can be tough to stay on task. “It's more challenging right now because of COVID for a lot of people. I know in the clinic, when I see patients they're frustrated because the gyms are closed and they've lost their motivation to eat healthy so it's kind of all going out the window.”

While it might be a little more difficult, Long gives some tips on how to keep your healthy habits. “It's setting goals and a plan for yourself and, you know, being more careful what you bring in the house and still trying to get some exercise. Trying to get outdoors and get you're  walking in.”

“Trying to cook as a family and making healthy meals together, trying to focus on not just your health but everybody in your family. Cook it together and shop together and that sort of thing to just to keep us motivated.”

“Have lots of fresh food on hand and try not to eat emotionally, you know, just because things aren't great right now because you're probably just gonna feel worse in the end.”