The Cochrane Pregnancy Care Centre (CPCC) is holding a spring fundraiser on March 26,  and there's still time to register.

The virtual Raising Hope event is a lot like it sounds; it's an opportunity to raise hope for the Centre's clients and raise awareness throughout the community on the services CPCC provides.

CPCC Resource Development Committee Member, David Ong highlights what's in store at this year's fundraiser.

"Raising Hope is an online event where we are able to highlight some of the wins for the Pregnancy Care Center in town, as well as some of our clients' stories and some upcoming exciting news," explains Ong.

CPCC offers a wide range of services to families affected by an unexpected pregnancy through education, resources and support.

According to newly appointed Executive Director, Danelle Schwab, the Centre provides "a safe environment for clients to make a pregnancy decision that is fully informed, evidence-based and free from external influence." Schwab goes on to say the Centre offers a variety of family resources "depending on the pregnancy decision that is best for our clients as well as programs that will offer them support during their pregnancy and beyond."

One of the many services CPCC offers is an after-hours option line for clients to access support outside of business hours and they also have staff and volunteers that are trained to provide peer mentorship. 

The event is being sponsored by the Spray Lake Sawmills and it is open to all area residents. Tickets are by donation with 100 per cent of the funds going to support the Centre. Ong says that as a bonus to the show, registrants will be treated to a meal catered by The Crossing at Ghost Lake and dessert from Three Cookie Monsters.

"So there's going to be a professionally produced video from the Centre that's going to premiere on the day of the event," explains Ong. "If you sign up for a ticket for the event, you will also be provided with a take-home meal; that way you can be enjoying a meal, potentially while you watch the video."

Donors can choose a chicken, beef or vegetarian meal with two sides and a dessert. Gluten-free options are available. 

Ong explains that those meals can be picked up at CPCC's new location at 100 Grande Boulevard, on the day of the event.

As an incentive residents that register before March 15 will be entered to win a special early bird prize, and if you refer a friend, you'll be entered in the 'lucky draw' to win a Garmin Lily Watch.

As well as hearing from clients, the video will feature CPCC's new Executive Director, Danelle Schwab, who will shed some light on the Centre's new direction.

Tickets can be reserved through Eventbrite and there are three ways to donate:

  • E-transfer to

  • Visit our website and click on the Donate tab

  • Come prepared when you pick up your meal to donate via cheque, cash, debit or credit.

The video will debut at 7 p.m. on March 26, 2022.